The Importance of Drinking Water During Pregnancy

August 3, 2021

The period of a pregnancy is an exciting, important time for the pregnant woman. This period is an opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle, ensuring her own good health and that of her baby. As this change occurs, the woman becomes very aware of dietetic recommendations important during pregnancy, but she often neglects an essential element of her diet – water!

*An article by Ruthie Eliav-Letter, Clinical Dietician MSc and erudite source of medical information.


Why is it important to provide the body with fluids during pregnancy?

  1. Weight Gain

During pregnancy, especially the last two thirds, the amount of fluids in the woman’s body increases significantly due to:

  1. Increase in the volume of blood in the woman’s body
    In order to create a reserve of blood in case of bleeding, and in order to facilitate the transfer of nutritional substances to the fetus (if, before pregnancy, she had 3 liters of blood, during pregnancy the amount can increase to 4-5 liters).
  2. Accumulation of amniotic fluid
    Especially relevant during the third and final third of the pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is a light-colored, yellowish fluid which surrounds the fetus and serves as a source of nutrition and storage of water for the fetus, constituting the environment in which it develops. The fluid also serves as a barrier, protecting the fetus from physical jarring and changes in temperature, isolating it from bacterial infections. It enables the free movement of the fetus in the womb and aids the development of its lungs.
  3. Development of the placenta
    This is the fetus’ main source of water and nutrition. Water is essential to the proper development of the placenta.
  1. Supplementing water lost through vomiting:

Nearly 40% of pregnant women experience vomiting during the first third of pregnancy. Vomiting increases water loss, requiring the replacement of fluids in order to maintain a good balance of body fluids and prevent dehydration, which also endangers the fetus.

  1. Preparation for nursing

Water helps increase the production of mother’s milk.

  1. Prevention of dehydration and reduction of the risk of premature labor.

Studies show that drinking water has a healthful effect on the following instances during pregnancy:

  • Prevention of constipation – During pregnancy the woman experiences an increased secretion of hormones such as progesterone, and a decrease in physical activity. These affect the action of the intestines, causing constipation. Constipation is common among about a third of pregnant women, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy.
  • Prevention of urinary tract infections – About 3% of pregnant woman are hospitalized due to urinary tract infections. Studies show that sufficient drinking is likely to prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.

How much water should a pregnant woman drink?

In order to make up for the loss of fluids during pregnancy a pregnant woman should drink an extra cup and a half of water a day beyond the normal recommended amount. When pregnant with twins, the recommended amount is double. In total, the amount of water recommended during pregnancy is 3 liters: 2.3 liters consumed through drinking fluids, plus 0.7 liters derived through food consumption (water found in vegetables, fruits, soups, milk products etc.)

What should one drink during pregnancy?

The most highly recommended fluid is water. Water is a pure, clean beverage that doesn’t contain unnatural ingredients such as artificial flavors and aromas, preservatives, food coloring, and it’s calorie-free.

However, since many women find it hard to get used to the bland taste of water, especially during pregnancy, it’s recommended to also drink other water-based beverages in order to prevent dehydration. For example, cold water (the cold improves the flavor), water in which bits of vegetables or fruits have been soaked, such as lemon, mint leaves, lemongrass, orange sections, and in cases in which the woman has a strong aversion to water it’s recommended to drink small amounts through a straw.

When should one drink?

It’s important to drink according to a schedule, not according to the sensation of thirst, which varies from woman to woman and therefore doesn’t always accurately indicate a lack of body fluids. It’s important to drink throughout the day. Upon waking up in the morning, between meals, with meals, after exertion, and a little extra on hot days.

Another way to increase the intake of water is to always have a drinking bottle handy at home and at work. Studies show that having a water bar nearby increases fluid consumption and encourages drinking.

Pregnancy is a delicate, important period for the health of the mother and the fetus. Besides the importance of a healthy lifestyle which includes a healthy diet, exercise, and relaxation, it’s important to drink enough. Sufficient drinking will ensure proper weight gain for the mother for the purpose of increasing blood volume, amniotic fluid, and the healthy development of the placenta, it prevents constipation and urinary tract infections and contributes to a healthy pregnancy throughout. it’s recommended to drink about 3 liters a day (2.3 liters from fluids, 0.7 liters from food consumption), mostly water, and to avoid sweetened drinks, alcohol, too much caffeine and herbal teas.

During pregnancywater is also part of a diet that benefits the mother and the fetus! Pass this delicate, complicated time with delicious, clean, accessible water from a Tami4 Water Bar and have a healthy, strong, inspiring birth!

Log onto our Water Calculator and see how many cups of water you should drink each day. Click here for the Strauss Water Calculator.

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